McClelland’s Go-to Gamakatsu Underspin Jigs and Hook

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Bass fishing with underspin jig heads and swimbait hooks has grown in popularity, especially with advancements in forward-facing sonar technology. Mike McClelland has a long history of pairing swimbaits with underspin jigs and belly-bladed swimbait hooks. He dives into the specifics of using a few of his favorites options offered by Gamakatsu.

FEATURED TACKLE (retail links)


McClelland emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate underspin based on the swimbait size. For smaller baits (2.5 to 3.5 inches), the Gamakatsu Underspin Head Mini is ideal, while larger baits (3.8 to 4.8 inches) pair perfectly with the standard Gamakatsu Underspin Head. Matching the hook size to the bait in important for delivering the best action and hooking percentages.


Underspins have a reputations for increasing strikes nationwide. Whether you aim to mimic bluegill, shad, or any forage fish, the extra flash and vibration trigger bites in various conditions. McClelland highlights this lure’s effectiveness, particularly in waters with a slight color, where the added flash can be a game-changer.


The unique advantage of the underspin jig head lies in its ability to add additional flash and vibration to an already productive soft swimbait or jerkbait offering. This combination proves irresistible to fish, often providing an edge over standard swimbaits in tinted waters. Think of belly-bladed swimbait hooks as a more subtle and weedless spinnerbait or bladed jig.


The Gamakatsu Spring Lock Spinner offers a versatile solution for anglers targeting areas with more cover. Kyle Welcher highlights this perfectly as he talks the ins and outs of fishing weedless swimbaits. Available in various weights and hook sizes, it allows for seamless bait rigging to get maximum action and life out of your swimbaits.


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David Appleton

Upriver Productions has been specializing in outdoor TV and media creation since 2009. We know more buzz baits than buzzwords and we’d rather be zooming in on elk than attending zoom meetings but we can do both! We’re perfectly happy with our base in the Ozarks of Missouri but we’ve also worked in forty-three states and eight countries. We can make a video about the next great fish catcher on a shoestring or we can deliver a full season of award winning TV to a network with a million dollar budget.


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